Thriller Story

In a remote shack, in the outskirts of a country that will not be mentioned, a wealthy family, who´s name won´t be revealed, went to a family trip by the time of winter, they had bought a whole mountain for themselves. They were a feall big family, so they went with a lot of luggage, not knowing what the other one had.

They all settled in the shack in the center of the mountain, the boy´s aunt, who was the half-sister of the boy´s mother, decided that she would sleer in the room at the end of the isle, she was a single, lonely widow that was married to a rich old man that had passed away because of a cancer, she loved to read thriller-themed books. The boy never payed attention to her, so he decided not to say that he wanted that room too, so he took the room next to his aunt´s.

Everyone settled in their respective rooms, the boy wanted to have tghe room all for himself, even though his little cousin  wanted to share room with him, as expected, his parents granted him that wish.

They arrived at the shack in the night-time, so everyone, after dinner was over, went to sleep. The boy´s aunt was the only one in the whole shack with the lights on, the boy was bothered by that. In his impotence for sleeping, he asked his weird aunt for a bookto read, she had a whole bag full of books, each one of them had a dark cover, with a specific hour written on it. The boy decided to pick the one that had "3 07" written on it. Before exiting the room, his aunt stared at him with a gloomy look, and saying nothing, the boy went to his room.

The boy wasn´t sure if he wanted to read, he was already scared by the cover of his aunt´s book, it had a certain inquity to it. It was 9 57 in the night when the boy decided to read the mysterious book, the first page was in blank, so was the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, and so on, it was incredibly weird. The boy looked through all of the pages, not skipping one, but every page was completely emptied of words. By the page 287, the book´s pages started to have dirt on it, with random scratches and rips, and finally, in the page 307, the words "Don´t sleep tonight" were written in a stronglypressed pencil. The boy started to shudder, he went to his aunt´s room to return the book and ask for some explanations, but the lights of his aunt´s room were already off. The boy decided to try and listen through the door to know if his aunt was there, but he only heard whispers that he couldn´t understand.

He left his aunt´s book in the floor, and went to his room, he could not think of nothing but the woeds "Don´t sleep tonight" in the book, strangely enough, when the thought of the strange whispers came to his mind, he found himself drousy, and fell asleep. Suddenly, it was 3 07 in the morning, he awoke to a sudden and strong neck grab, as he felt the long and curved nails of that monster piercing, with a long and faint smile, through his stomach, he couldn´t shout...

The boy, all covered in sweat, woke up to that horrid nightmare, he saw the book opened at his feet, now with the words "Now you´ll sleep" written in the last page, then, abruptly, the room´s door was being heavily pushed and kkicked, Caelum could hear scratches being made, he looked at the clock in his left. It was 3 06.


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