Trustworthiness and Thankfulness- In "The Devil and Tom Walker"

Two values that you can sense are not applied in the morality of the two main characters of "The Devil and Tom Walker", Tom Walker and the Devil, are trustworthiness and thankfulness. Tom Walker, who is in misery and is living with his wife, despices his life-style and does not appreciate what he has and has worked for. Tom Walker does not even love his wife, not trusting her and conflicting with her all the time; he was not even prone to let his wife into his confidence about his secret, about-to-be-made pact with the Devil at first, although he ultimately said it to her, for he was unseasy with it; and she acted avaricely, later getting killed by the Devil beacause of it. The other main character, the Devil himself, logically lacks trustworthiness; he always searches deals to only benefit himself at the end, tricking people, like Tom, into falling into his pacts and being later enslaved by him in hell for eternity. 

When Tom grew old, he began to feel anxious about the next life he was going to obtain, and understood that he should not have trusted the Devil at the beginning, and he was right. Now, a direct example of how the value of being thankful is not present in any of the character´s set of values in the story is in Tom Walker´s wife. Even though Tom worked really hard to maintain her and their house, she always abused Tom both verbally and fisically, and Tom does not even trust her at all, despise being his wife.

I think that these two values, trustworthiness and trustfulness are not presented at any time in the story itself, but you can definetely sense the lack of them as the story advances because of how the characters act in their evolution throughout the events of it. For example, Tom, towards the end of the story, becomes someone that cannot be trusted either, stealing folk´s money out of his own parsimony, becoming kind of like the Devil, when at first, he was at least hard-working and an honest worker. You can easily sense that the evolution of the character´s morality does not have trustworthiness or thankfulness in it. 

In conclusion, I think it can be considered true that this two values are not exactly present in any of  the characters as a whole, but being the lack of them so easily percieved, you can definetely say that this story is, actually, adressing both of this values.


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